• Apr 06 Thu 2006 11:08
  • 靠北


cookpeggy 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

"No Child Left Behind" is an act published by Bush Government in 2001. It requires states to make demonstrable annual progress in raising the percentage of students proficient in reading and math, and in narrowing the test-score gap between advantaged and disadvantaged students. Most educators and parents complain that the act is an ambitious law and forces states to move faster and further to improve the achievement of every student.

Today I saw a documentary about this act. I am thinking about this problem. I am here in United states to study early childhood education. I try to find good qualities of their education system and a good way to combine them into our country's education system. But now I find they are trying to learn our Asian style---standardized tests, high scores and learning more...that's ridiculous!Well, the students grow up in Asia are good at testing, they are smart! However, most of them are poor in creativities, they lose their curiosities in learning... What a pity they don't have these good dispositions!! But as you see, what are Bush Governments doing now? They are copying Asian styles!

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這次Chicago之旅,最有意思的地方應該就是芝加哥美術館,號稱全美三大美術館之一真 不是蓋的,2樓印象派畫家的真品絕對是讓人感到$7(student ticket)有物超所值的感覺.要不是因為最後一天感著回家,我肯定會泡個整天再出來. 建議租個audio guide這樣會對展品的瞭解增加許多.

The Art Institute of Chicago

Add:111 S Michigan Ave,Chicago, IL 60603
Tel:(312) 499-0680
Hours:Monday—Wednesday, Friday, 10:30—4:30
Thursday, 10:30—8:00
Saturday—Sunday, 10:00—5:00
Fee:Adults $12,Children, Students, and Seniors (over 65)$7, Tuesday free

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cookpeggy 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

我在周圍圍了一圈Lady Finger,就是很容易散開

cookpeggy 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

雖然參觀完Field Museum之後我抱怨它為什麼不改名叫Fake Museum,因為裏面的東西大部分是假的,動物標本,植物標本,房子模型,甚至還有中國傳統雜貨鋪模型……可是還是讓我找到一些真的東西,比如世界各地各個時代的人所穿的鞋子,其他的讓人印象深刻的應該就是那幾座恐龍骨架了吧,好多小朋友都是為了看恐龍而來的。

Field Museum
Add:1400 S. Lake Shore Dr,Chicago, IL 60605-2496
Tel:(312)922 9410

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cookpeggy 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

這次去Seattle玩的時候,正好趕上耶誕節,我們在街上逛完一圈想要吃飯的時候發現竟然沒有飯店開門,無奈繞遍只找到一家小店。這家小店的招牌菜就是gumbo(雜碎湯),於是我們每人點一份,我要的是海鮮雜碎湯,湯裏面有洋蔥,有米飯,有蝦.熱熱的湯喝下去,全身立刻暖活起來。回來之後我查了資料才發現,gumbo是美國的黑人食物,New Orleans代表菜。要做出gumbo,就必須有秋葵(Okra)。不過我至今仍在實驗中,不知道怎樣才能做出雜碎湯?

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